
Question : how to configure IP allocation ?

carguel opened this issue · 2 comments

The knife vcenter driver supports following option in order to setup a DHCP address allocation:

--cips dhcp

Is it possible to manage same behavior for VMs created by kitchen-vcenter ?

The knife-vsphere gem supports that but not knife-vcenter unless i'm missing something.

The underlying gem for knife-vsphere that @swalberg has been doing amazing work with, is different then the REST calls that knife-vcenter use. It would require research and some development time.

@jjasghar You are right, I made an error in my first comment: cips option is supported in vsphere driver for knife, not vcenter driver.

As kitchen-vcenter leverages, I wonder if it is possible to support same kind of allocation ?

I quickly made a search on vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-ruby code, and I found some references that seem linked with this allocation.

You can have a look to class IpAllocationPolicy in client/sdk/com/vmware/vcenter/ovf.rb.

I don't know if it is the proper option, nor how it could be integrated in kitchen-vcenter. Any idea ?