
.kitchen.local.yml missing in source path

bob2build opened this issue · 2 comments


INM1VCEUKHTD6:consul anmanoha$ omnibus new ct-consul-server
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/Gemfile
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/.gitignore
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/omnibus.rb
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/config/projects/ct-consul-server.rb
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/config/software/ct-consul-server-zlib.rb
Could not find ".kitchen.local.yml.erb" in any of your source paths. Your current source paths are:

Omnibus Version


Platform Version


Replication Case

gem install omnibus -v 5.6.8
omnibus new ct-consul-server

Build Output

INM1VCEUKHTD6:consul anmanoha$ omnibus new ct-consul-server
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/Gemfile
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/.gitignore
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/omnibus.rb
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/config/projects/ct-consul-server.rb
   identical  omnibus-ct-consul-server/config/software/ct-consul-server-zlib.rb
Could not find ".kitchen.local.yml.erb" in any of your source paths. Your current source paths are:

Looks like the .kitchen.local.yml file is missing in gem package of 5.6.8. However, present in previous version 5.6.6. I can't find any other versions on

gem fetch omnibus -v 5.6.6
gem fetch omnibus -v 5.6.8
tar -xf omnibus-5.6.8.gem
tar -tf data.tar.gz | grep kitchen.local => returns no output
tar -xf omnibus-5.6.8.gem
tar -tf data.tar.gz | grep *kitchen.local => returns .kitchen.local.yml

Both .kitchen.yml.erb and .kitchen.local.yml.erb are missing. Could be a bug introduced by #820 from @tduffield that was merged by @scotthain, maybe File::FNM_DOTMATCH is needed for the glob or kitchen erb templates need to not be hidden files in generator_files