
0.3.0 changes

chendaniely opened this issue · 2 comments

edit: 450c40f fixes it so that the old way still works.

Most major change from #20 (thanks @jamesmyatt) is that the import statement will need to change

Old way:

from pyprojroot import here

new way

from import here

Changes are mainly to make this package more flexible in specifying a base root directory like how the R here package builds on top of the rprojroot library.

From the PR created, it closes #18 and closes #17

  • rebase PR
  • some one check I rebased it correctly
  • add logo
  • Fix tests from #22
  • re-implement mypy --strict from #21 since the refactoring was a separate PR/feature see #27


0.3.0 has been released now, including conda-forge.