
Hsinchu Open Data Hackathon

Primary LanguageJava

HsInFormaTion - 新竹安全資訊平台

Hsinchu Open Data Hackathon


We use the open data from HisChu City, and design a coreport transportation accident system for users to get the newest information. Besides, we also provide a Daily Reminder to provide some safety information. We draw fire departments, police stations, hospitals, emergency places, AED locations, fire hydrants and so on on map so that users can access to to the location when emergency happens.

Main Page

  1. Tap the row to see the detailed information about the selected element
  2. Switch to the map by tapping the map icon on the bottom
Main Page Item List

Three main functions

1. Daily updated security information in Hsinchu

Weather Car accident
Fire Theft

2. The important security information on map

  • Police station

  • Fire station

  • Sanctuary

  • Hospital

  • Hydrant

  • AED

  • Invigilator

  • Speed camera rod

    Show the clicked icon

    1. press the icon that you want to show on the map
    2. press the icon to close the images on the map
    3. press the images on the map to show the detailed information
Police and Fire station Hydrant AED

3. Collaborate accident platform

  1. The right side is the functional list
  2. Press '事故回報' to report an accident
  3. Choose an accident to show on the map
  4. Press '重新整理' to reload the accidents on the map
Collaborate accident platform choose place to report
Choose an accident show on map