
Math collections

Primary LanguageTeX

Math Collections

How to Use

  • Always read PDF and sometimes see README.md


Notation LaTeX description
$\leq$ \leq Less than or equal to
$\to$ \to
$\forall$ \forall For all
$\phi$ \phi Phi. 常用於表示 property
. X A.B: A 對像滿足 B 條件
$\pi$ \pi PI
$\Pi$ \Pi Captial PI
$\in$ \in 屬於
$\forall$ \forall for all
$\exists$ \exists there exist
$\triangleq$ \triangleq is defined as


See Terms

  • Proposition(命題): 一個命題是一個陳述句,它要麼是真的,要麼是假的

Not every sentence is a proposition. Eg. Hello or How are you?

  • Predicate(謂詞): eg. $x > 5$ is a predicate and its true or false depends on the value of $x$
  • Factoring(因式分解)
  • Axiom(公理): 一個公理是一個被認為是真的命題並且不需要證明,通常用來建立數學理論或系統的基礎
    • 頭過身就過:若某一個理論合乎他所屬領域的公理,他也必定合乎公理的衍生理論



  • .synctex.gz is a file that allows you to jump between the source and the PDF output. It is not essential, but it is convenient.