
Apologies for the confusion. But I wanted to have automatic translation to English of the transcribed text set to False.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Apologies for not explaining myself properly. Currently the hook returns the transcribed text which is automatically translated in English. I was hoping that the user can control this feature by passing a prop e.g. "translation: False". Based on the documentation of Whisper API, the input is called "translation".

Great job with this hook.

@sanesanyo I just release new version v0.0.11.

Now you can pass whisperConfig to control the language

import { useWhisper } from '@chengsokdara/use-whisper'

const App = () => {
  const { transcript } = useWhisper({
    apiKey: env.process.OPENAI_API_TOKEN, // YOUR_OPEN_AI_TOKEN
    autoTranscribe: true,
    whisperConfig: {
      prompt: 'previous conversation', // you can pass previous conversation for context
      response_format: 'text', // output text instead of json
      temperature: 0.8, // random output
      language: 'es', // Spanish

  return (

Perfect, that works. Thanks once again.