Feature request: Telescope extension
lmburns opened this issue · 5 comments
I like to use both the quickfix window and telescope. I think that it would be cool if there was some sort of telescope extension that could be packaged with this plugin
Telescope integration would be cool, but should probably be implemented in a separate plugin. I’d rather not add and maintain support for another plugin that I don’t personally use
Alright, I'll look into creating something like this. I know that telescope already has a marks picker builtin, but it is the same output of the marks
command. I've already got something I've started on a while back that was integrating this plugin with telescope. For me to create it as a plugin and publish it apart from my dotfiles repository, I'll need to do a little bit more to it and add configuration options.
The reason that I created this is because some other plugins (e.g., folke/todo-comments.nvim
) provide both a quickfix and telescope version. I use both, but I understand. I'll close this and look into creating a plugin sometime fairly soon.
I'm reopening this issue because ideally the plugin would expose bookmark information in a more easily accessible way rather than requiring any telescope extension to plumb through require'marks'.bookmark_state
This works for me with bookmarks:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>b', '<cmd>BookmarksListAll<CR><cmd>lcl<CR><cmd>Telescope loclist<CR>', { silent = true })
I see the new #106 pull request that integrates telescope. Curious how it's any different.
As stated by @chentoast I added methods allowing to simply return data from marks and bookmarks to be able to use it in the telescope plugin. (they could be useful for any new feature needing to get marks and bookmarks).
That's a nice workaround @insanum indeed. The advantage of the homemade telescope implementation is that we have control over how infos are displayed in telescope.
For example, the telescope loclist display feels a bit messy to me:
While mine looks like this for buffer marks (since I don't need to see in what file are these marks):
And like this when looking for all project marks:
Also the search should be improved and the file path will be showed based on user config.
Hope it makes sense.