not support @vitejs/plugin-legacy@2.2.0
feawesome opened this issue · 6 comments
feawesome commented
chenxch commented
Is it convenient to provide the following plug-in version and a demo?
feawesome commented
my plugin version is 0.2.0, my vite.config.js
base: './', plugins: [ vue(), dynamicBase({ publicPath: 'window.__dynamic_base__', transformIndexHtml: true }), legacy({ // targets: ['defaults', 'not IE 11'], targets: ['chrome >= 66'], modernPolyfills: true }) ],
chenxch commented
You can try to upgrade vite-plugin-dynamic-base
to the latest
version first, my impression is that a legacy-related problem has been fixed.
feawesome commented
oh, sorry and 3Q dear ~
chenxch commented
If the problem is solved, you can close this issue.