
Converting caffemodel to npy file error

m-Just opened this issue · 7 comments

When I ran python deploy.prototxt ../deeplab/ResNet101/init.caffemodel/model/ResNet101_init.npy, an error occurred as the following.

WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
W0725 18:40:56.169318 9626 _caffe.cpp:122] DEPRECATION WARNING - deprecated use of Python interface
W0725 18:40:56.169384 9626 _caffe.cpp:123] Use this instead (with the named "weights" parameter):
W0725 18:40:56.169395 9626 _caffe.cpp:125] Net('deploy.prototxt', 1, weights='../deeplab/ResNet101/init.caffemodel')
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 15:16: Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "interp_param".
F0725 18:40:56.173895 9626 upgrade_proto.cpp:79] Check failed: ReadProtoFromTextFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: deploy.prototxt
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
Abort (core dumped)

What can the problem possibly be?

Most likely it's because your caffe does not support deeplab layers. You can use mine:

It worked. Thanks bunches!