
Can we remove these 2 lines in AndroidManifest.xml?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

After building the .apk file and opening it by APK Editor Studio, I saw these 2 lines exist in the AndroidManifest.xml.
<uses-library android:name="androidx.window.extensions" android:required="false"/> <uses-library android:name="androidx.window.sidecar" android:required="false"/>

I'd like to remove them. Do you know how to resolve it?
Thank you.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 20 41 29

Those come from the official AndroidX libraries. I don't think there's a good way to remove those entries without building those libraries from source (which I have no experience with).

Can I ask why you want to remove the entries? Are there devices where they cause issues?

Thank you for your response.

My problem is that if this two lines are inside AndroidManifest.xml of APK, the device compilation doesn´t work. I can remove with this software everytime after compile with android studio, but I want to remove on source code and not include in APK generated by android studio if possible.

I'd suggest giving this a try: It seems like it might be possible to remove androidx's uses-library lines by overriding them in Custota's AndroidManifest.xml.

Try adding these lines:

<uses-library android:name="androidx.window.extensions" android:required="false" tools:node="remove" />
<uses-library android:name="androidx.window.sidecar" android:required="false" tools:node="remove" />

Thank you very much. I'll give a try with your solution.
This issue will be closed.