
How do I add text to the steps?

hardikamal opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi @chenyun122

Thanks for the awesome lib

How do I add text to the steps?

@hardikamal, do you mean the text under circle?

@chenyun122 yes, bottom in (left to right) or (right to left) and right/left side in (top to bottom) or (bottom to top)

Hello @chenyun122

It would be nice to have a UILabel either top or below circle in horizontal or left size or right side of circle in vertical, similar to this:

Any update on this?

I've come up with a very basic solution (#29) to achieve this.

Here's how you can use it..

// Initialize progressbar through code or storyboard
   let progressBar = StepIndicatorView()
// Set the data attributes
  progressBar.currentStep = 0
  progressBar.numberOfSteps = 3
// Set the desired titles
  progressBar.titles = ["One",  "Two", "Three"]

And this is how it looks ...

Screenshot 2021-07-19 at 2 46 41 PM