
vgg16-397923af.pth download

shangjianan2 opened this issue · 11 comments

Sometimes we can not download vgg16-397923af.pth. Here is vgg16-397923af.pth I have already download. I hope it will useful to you.

Thank you! I'll update it in README and close the issue here.

Dear Sir

Thanks for the Baidu Pan.

However, the "" can't convert the "vgg16-397923af" into torch version. I tried and it failed.

The network has different structure between vgg16-397923a and vgg16-00b39a1b I guess

I suggest people can download the vgg16-00b39a1b.pth on Google Colab and covert to torch version using "" as Chenyun said in README.

Thanks !

Dear Sir

Thanks for the Baidu Pan.

However, the "" can't convert the "vgg16-397923af" into torch version. I tried and it failed.

The network has different structure between vgg16-397923a and vgg16-00b39a1b I guess

I suggest people can download the vgg16-00b39a1b.pth on Google Colab and covert to torch version using "" as Chenyun said in README.

Thanks !

I also encountered the same problem, did you solve it?

Hey , everyone ! The file “vgg16-397923af.pth“ we downloaded is a pre-trained model pretrained in Pytroch environment ! it doesn't be pretrained in the Caffe ! So after we download the vgg16-397923af.pth file into "checkpoints" folder , and we dont need to make the "python misc/"in our shell , and we should directly to the "python train --env='fasterrcnn-caffe' --plot-every=100 --caffe-pretrain“ ! Don't forget change the name of this file! via"mv vgg16-397923af.pth vgg16_caffe.pth "

Dear Sir
Thanks for the Baidu Pan.
However, the "" can't convert the "vgg16-397923af" into torch version. I tried and it failed.
The network has different structure between vgg16-397923a and vgg16-00b39a1b I guess
I suggest people can download the vgg16-00b39a1b.pth on Google Colab and covert to torch version using "" as Chenyun said in README.
Thanks !

I also encountered the same problem, did you solve it?

directly to insert the "python train --env='fasterrcnn-caffe' --plot-every=100 --caffe-pretrain“ don't make the ‘’python misc/‘’

I want to use vgg16_bn, but directly use vgg16_bn-6c64b313.pth in Pytorch. I can only get 58mAP. I would like to ask if there are other pre-training models of vgg16_bn? @shangjianan2 @chenyuntc @greenyin @ZichengDuan @Stephenfang51

@chenaifang Hi, Aifang. Unfortunately, I didn't explore other backbone networks for this project.

Excuse me, do you know how to get the pre-training model of vgg16_bn in general? @ZichengDuan

thank you对对对

I want to use vgg16_bn, but directly use vgg16_bn-6c64b313.pth in Pytorch. I can only get 58mAP. I would like to ask if there are other pre-training models of vgg16_bn? @shangjianan2 @chenyuntc @greenyin @ZichengDuan @Stephenfang51

Hello, have you solved it?