
Public routes

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As part accessing league platform information, it is important to establish a set of core (publicly accessible) routes, these should be:

  • intuitive - so users can guess similar routes, such as replacing a team name
  • clear - identifable information so a user knows what to expect i.e /wharfedale/2022-23/fixtures
  • minimal - avoiding long / verbose names and guids (where possible)

Simplity maybe achieved via url params, and where not provided, default to the latest available data, i.e current season

  • Home /
    TBC - most likley a list of upcoming fixtures from various leagues, or latest results, along with any notable changes i.e venue address update(!)
  • Leagues /leagues
    List of published leagues being tracked
    • League /league/{league_name}
      Headline summary information about this league, including summary of: teams, seasons, etc
      • Teams /league/{league_name}/{team_name}
        List of players in this team, including individual results, venue information, general info
      • Fixtures /league/{league_name}/fixtures
        List of current season fixtures, the list will also cover results, if listing fixtures which have been played
        note: url params could be used to query a previous season /fixtures?season="2019")
      • Matches /league/{league_name}/{home_team}-vs-{away_team}
        A content rich landing page with all the match details and statistics, including player vs player scores

In addition to this, nice to have links, would be ones that allow you to target a specific piece of information, such as team venue. This is especially important for travelling away teams communicating the details to their team mates, as such, something like:

  • Venue /{league_name}?venue={team_name}
    A highly condensed view of the venue (traveling to) information
  • Live Match /{league_name}/live
    Listing the current live games in-progress, this is a nice to have but would encourage faster result submission if this feature was easily accessible, via a short, clean, clear URL