
Does not correctly join paths on Windows

bricketts-authentify opened this issue · 4 comments

When running Node/Browserify on Windows, CSS paths (such as in url() values) do not get formatted correctly. path.join formats paths with a backslash (\) on Windows, which does not get escaped when written to the CSS, causing the browser to request an invalid path.


@font-face {
    src: url("../fonts/material-icons.ttf");

in the source CSS file gets turned into

@font-face {
    src: url(fonts\material-icons.ttf);

in the transformed CSS file, which Firefox requests as


which obviously is not correct.

One solution would be to use the path-posix module to always use forward slashes (/) even when on Windows.

I guess it may result from the following line:

newUrl = processRelativeUrl(path.relative(from, to));

The path.relative(from, to) will return a relative path with platform-specific path separator.

Since I don't have a Windows OS installed for verification, could you try to implement the processRelativeUrl callback to convert \ to / as a temporary workaround? For example:

var path = require('path');
var browserify = require('browserify');

    .transform(require('browserify-css'), {
        processRelativeUrl: function(relativeUrl) {
            return relativeUrl.replace(/\\/g, '/');

I will fix the path of the returned newUrl from processRelativePath if above example would work for you!

I just ran it on Windows 10, all backslashes (\) can be successfully converted to forward slashes (/) using above example:

processRelativeUrl: function(relativeUrl) {
    return relativeUrl.replace(/\\/g, '/');

May I know if above example may solve your problem?

I made the bug fixes in v0.8.4. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks.

v0.8.4 has fixed the issue without me needing to do any path processing. Thanks!