
flexibility of user phrase and it's mapping in chewing

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I just watched the issue discussion in #113, and here comes a problem :
It seems not really support this feature in chewing

I add four different user phrase
a) 是大將軍(ㄕˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄐ一ㄤ ㄐㄩㄣ)
b) ㄕㄉㄐㄐ(ㄕˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄐ一ㄤ ㄐㄩㄣ)
c). ㄆㄞㄆㄞ(ㄆㄞ ㄆㄞ ㄆㄞ ㄆㄞ)
d). (:з」∠)(ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ ㄅ)

When I type bopomofo of (c), it shows (c).
If I change a word in it, there is no way to go back to choose the mapping into ㄆㄞㄆㄞ,
and so does in (d).

When I type bopomofo of (a), it shows (a) and (b)
Then, I change it into 是大江軍 and then back to 是大將軍
It can still find mapping of 是大將軍 and ㄕㄉㄐㄐ

Is this a bug of libchewing, or there is still some restriction need to be add on user phrase?