
can't type with New Chewing on Chewing Editor

Closed this issue · 5 comments

my enviroment : windows + virtualbox +ubuntu15.10

I've already intall everything it needs on my computer

and New Chewing can work normally on my computer

but only on Chewing't can not type anything by New Chewing on Chewing Editor

I'm not sure whether this is a bug?

Which IME environment you have? ibus or fctix or what?

In ibus, you have to install ibus-qt for inputing in Qt application.

if you're using fctix, try this

I think it turns out with same problem if Ibus

kidwm commented

@david50407 How about adding this instruction to #170 ?

@kidwm Good idea. I think it can prevent duplicated issue like this.

jserv commented

No further action.