A Rest Api of a Todo Server
A Rest API of a TODO-List made in Typescript and MySQL
A Todo List server who saves the data on a SQL DB
You can try it in this link, you will need and rest client like Insomnia.
- DB used: MySQL, a relational DB. (You can use another DB if you override the database.ts and mantain it's interface).
- Used Typescript insted of Javascript to ensure the code maintainability.
- For this proyect I used express as main dependenci to develop this web app.
- License: MIT
All the URL of the API have a token validation except post in /auth/login or /auth/register
-Token validation:
In all the get or post req to the Api should have a header token with the token "token":"thetokenprovided"
The token will be provided in a req post in /auth/login or /auth/register, the server will send a response with the token in the header
Create/Register a new User:
Make a post in the url /api/auth/register
Data required: username, password, email
{ "username":"admin", "email":"admin@admin.com", "password":"admin" }
- Mantain all the types and implement the interfaces to avoid errors
//Delete this code
class MySQL implements db{
//All the methods of db are here
//Some stuff methods
export default MySQL;
//Rewrite the code
class MongoDB implements db{
//Implements all the methods of db correctly
export default MongoDB;
- You need to have installed node and MYSQL
- Clone this repo to your local machine
now install npm modules
$ npm install
now run the code
$ npm start
If you want to make changes in .ts files
$ npm run dev
- MIT license
- Copyright 2020 chgara.