
Adding Prestissimo to php-dev images

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As composer is very slow by default, can you add the Prestissimo plugin in the dev images? ( It is a very efficient composer speed plugin which is very usefull when they are many packages to download.

You could share your composer home directory with your host or put it in a volume. That would allow you to cache downloads and you could also install a global package in it like prestissimo.

docker run --rm -it \
    -e COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/composer/ \
    -v ~/.composer/:/tmp/composer/:cached \
    chialab/php composer install
le0m commented

I'm currently evaluating this, not only for dev images.

I've been using Prestissimo plugin for over an year in multiple projects, and has been a blessing for CI/CD pipelines.
Since we're already installing composer, I don't see reasons not to add this.