
PHP 5.6 partial support

Opened this issue · 3 comments

ad-m commented

The official image available for PHP 5.6 is no longer updated, as PHP 5.6 has reached EOL status. The image was last rebuilt 2019-01-23T00: 05: 39.53748511Z. This means that both PHP and all libraries used to build PHP as well as the system libraries contained in the image are no longer updated.

In my environment - unfortunately - I have to provide PHP 5.6. I am thinking about minimizing the risks involved. I believe that a regular update of the operating system (and Apache etc.) can improve security in a narrow way, despite the uncomfortable situation of non-updated PHP 5.6.

What do you think to change the base image for PHP 5.6 to distro and self compiling of PHP?

ad-m commented

Upstream commit to remove PHP 5.6: docker-library/php@2408ff5

Hi, I'm bumping this issue, as the same problem also applies to many other PHP versions that have reached EOL long ago. Namely, PHP 5.4, 5.5, 7.0, 7.1, with PHP 7.2 joining the party in a month's time, on November, 30.

I agree that we should definitely start self-compiling PHP, although this looks like a lot of work: it would defy the purpose of this change to start from an unsupported Debian version, but it's going to be challenging to install the correct version of dependencies on newer systems, thus it's unlikely that copy-pasting from the docker-library/php repo would be enough, even assuming their license allows it. 😱

I'm a bit late here but I don't think this repo should now build php images from scratch.

This here is an extension to the official php repo and if the official php repo no longer provides support, then this repo shouldn't support it either as building an image from scratch is an entirely different beast than just extending one.

Now, someone™ could definitely create a separate repository to build legacy php support. I haven't searched for it but I would bet that this already exists.