
first line of highlight starts with space

bquast opened this issue · 2 comments

I love your theme and want to use it for an R package that I have designed. The page I am using is this one:

as you can see, in both cases the first line of the highlight block in indented with one space. Is there any way to remove this? I use the exact same code in a jekyll blog post (poole theme) and it does not have this issue, see:

Lastly, is there any way to change the font size of the highlighting? my lines are just a little bit to long as you can. not an issue, just a question.

thanks again, I love this theme and hope to use it many times!!

in both cases the first line of the highlight block in indented with one space. Is there any way to remove this?

I think I just fixed it with 920ea84 - check out the CSS changes. Sorry for the bug. I also made the font size for the code block smaller.

this is perfect, thanks a lot