
[BUG] Unicode Support

SleepingPanda opened this issue · 9 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Original Name with different encoding appear garbled

Describe the solution you'd like
I would like the addition of unicode support for use in Original Name

Additional context

Pitu commented

@SleepingPanda thank you for your report. Could you by any chance share the original filename here?

@Pitu sure, the original file name is 本好きの下剋上.jpg

I have found the problem. It is caused by character set problem. Chibisafe use as its multipart form uploader, which replies on busboy. The default character set for multipart forms is latin1 in Busboy
I have sent the pr chibisafe/uploader#11 for repo uploader to manually set charset to utf8 for multipart form.
After fixing it locally, I get the correct utf8 filename presentation.


Wow! Thank you for both finding a solution and fixing the problem.

Pitu commented

After fixing it locally, I get the correct utf8 filename presentation.

You legend, I'll take a look today and make a new release after testing it

Pitu commented

Released 🎉

7zx commented

Just want to inform that this issue has come back after the recent updates to Chibisafe.

I can confirm the issue has returned. I'm running chibisafe v5.6.10 . Thanks for bringing this back to light @7zx . @Pitu can you confirm?

Pitu commented

Fixed in latest deployment d4aff91