
Utility lib for taking snapshots and running airdrops

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Utility lib for taking Solana NFT snapshots and running token airdrops, checking token holders etc


Clone repo, then run

$ npm install


This lib expects you to have a json array file of all mints. This can be obtained using https://www.sol-nft.tools/get-mints Enter the candy machine ID to download a json file of all mints


To take a snapshot of all holders, run the following command

$ npm run snapshot -- -i ./mints.json -o ./output.json -t 100


  • --input, -i: mints.json (required)
  • --output, -o: output file (optional)
  • --timeout, -t: time to wait in ms (optional, default 50)

output is optional, if it is omitted the snapshot will be saved with a timestamp name such as


output can be a directory, if a directory is given rather than a full path, the file will written to the give directory and named with a timestamp as above.

timeout is default 50ms - is you get 412 errors, increase this number to 100, or 200

Get token holders

Utility to get all holders of the provided token, an optional output json file can be specified

$ npm run get-token-holders -- -a FBdRvc9CmHUf8ib2sV8PDv2oiFAmyxoftjid3Uv9e4kK -o token-holders.json


  • --address, -a: token address (required)
  • --output, -o: output file (optional)

Get NFT holder

Utility to get holder of an NFT

& npm run get-nft-holder -- -a 6gPcytnZyNvcWqJ1oUQBXS8hdEB1L3fgqidrVy388qwV


  • --address, -a: NFT mint address (required)


Docs coming soon...