
Facial Expression Recognition (Fer2013) using aggregated CNN/VGG models with SIFT/DSIFT descriptors

Primary LanguagePython

Facial Expression Recognition

CNN model aggregated with SIFT/DSIFT descriptors


This project proposed several aggregated models doing facial expression recognition on Facial Expression Recognition 2013(FER2013) dataset. These models based on custom CNN model and VGG16 with SIFT and Dense SIFT feature descriptors and aggregated different models to see how aggregated model performance at the end.

Figure shows the overview of this project:


All the training and evaluations are done on Kaggle dataset - Facial Expression Recognition 2013 (FER2013). Input are various 48x48 resolution grayscale images (one channel), along with label corresponding to one of seven emotions, 0 = Angry, 1 = Disgust, 2 = Fear, 3 = Happy, 4 = Sad, 5 = Surprise, 6 = Neutral [Dataset Link]

Example figures for FER2013 dataset:

Classification Results

  • Training result:

    The table shows the validation accuracy and testing accuracy

    Methods Accuracy_val(%) Accuracy_test(%)
    CNN 63.57 62.55
    SIFT_CNN 62.6 61.24
    DIFT_CNN 60.05 58.99
    VGG 68.16 66.75
    SIFT_VGG 67.19 66.66
    DIFT_VGG 68.1 67.69
  • Aggregated Models:

    "Aggregated" means combining original model and both models using SIFT and Dense SIFT

    Methods Accuracy(%)
    CNN + SIFT-CNN 64.89
    CNN + DSIFT-CNN 63.54
    Aggregated CNN 65.07
    VGG + SIFT-VGG 69.20
    VGG + DSIFT-VGG 69.45
    Aggregated VGG 70.37
  • Confusion Matrix results can be found under ConfusionMatrix file.

    e.g. Results of CNN model


Make sure installed these prerequisites before running the code. The installation can be done by using pip

- Python 3.7.6
- matplotlib 3.1.2 
- numpy 1.18.1
- Keras 2.3.1
- scikit-learn 0.22.1
- opencv-python


Clone this file and run the following program using

$ git clone https://github.com/chiehhsi/Expression_Recognition.git
$ cd path/to/this/file

I. Download and Preprocess Data

Download the dataset file fer2013.csv from here and put in the root folder of this package.

Preprocess the data and create dataX.npy and dataY.npy inside root folder

$ python3 preprocessing.py

II. Feature Descriptors

Make sure there are sift_histogram.npy and d_sift.npy under Result folder for SIFT/ Dense SIFT descriptors respectively

These two files can be found by either from exisiting files or building from scratch

  1. Get the descriptors by scratch

    If you directly launch the train models, then it will automatically generate otherwise comment out the buttom line inside feature_extraction.py and simply run

    $ python3 feature_extraction.py

    you will get two .npy files for SIFT and Dense SIFT descriptors.

    Besides, the command will also produce pics file containing all 48*48 pixels grayscale figures from FER2013 dataset about size 54.7 MB

  2. Existing files

    Details refer to Result/README.txt here

III. Train Models

Launch training

$ python3 training_model.py

There are also optional arguments according to the needs:

  • --model (str) : Initial Model type {cnn, scnn, dcc, vgg, svgg', dvgg}, default = cnn
  • --epochs (int) : Number of epochs to run, default = 100
  • --batchsize (int) : Number of images to process in a batch, default = 100

e.g. $ python3 training_model.py --model svgg --epochs 200

The model.py defined the structure of CNN model and layers; model_vgg.py is for VGG16.

The built models in this project can found here which can be downloaded and use them directly. Make sure all files are under Result folder instead the unzip located files.

When facing interrupted during training, as the repository already has model.json(trained model) and model.hdf5(parameters) simply run the command to resume the training process

$ python3 resume_train.py

The training history is saved in model_histo.npy files, change the filepath inside plotgraph.py. Run the command to get the plotting results of the accuracy and loss for training process.

$ python3 plotgraph.py

Every .py, model structure, and parameters can be modify according to users' needs.

IV. Test Models

To get the test accuracy and results of confusion matrix. Run command below produces the accuracy and confusion matrix for each model, e.g. ConfusionMatrix\*.png.

$ python3 predict.py

If error occurs, please check if there exists .json and .hdf5 files for the same model under Result folder, which has been generated automatically if the training finished successfully. Otherwise, please rerun the training process or download built models. Train Models section has more details.


  • Mundher Al-Shabi, ooi Ping Cheah, Tee Connie, Facial Expression Recognition Using a Hybrid CNN-SIFT Aggregator [arXiv1608.02833]