
count of buildings and cars to replace don't account for already changed

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The current calculation for number of buildings electrified takes the total buildings in the state and divides it by the number of years to 2050 (28). This does not account for the buildings already electrified. We should subtract that from the total and calculate the change / year from there. Same with cars

For Illinois buildings:

  • current: 5.2M buildings / 28 = 187,000 per year
  • should be: 5.2M buildings * (1 - 20% electrified already) / 28 = 148,571 per year

For Illinois cars:

  • current: 4.2M buildings / 28 = 150,000 per year
  • should be: 4.2M buildings * (1 - 0.6% electrified already) / 28 = 149,100 per year