cheneyxx opened this issue · 4 comments
"log": {
"loglevel": "warning",
"access": "/usr/local/etc/xray/access.log",
"error": "/usr/local/etc/xray/error.log"
我想要查看访问信息 加了上面两行重启xray后会报错
journalctl -u xray --output cat -f
Failed to start: main: failed to create server > app/log: failed to initialize access logger > open /usr/local/etc/xray/access.log: permission denied
xray.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=23/n/a
xray.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Started Xray Service.
Xray 1.7.5 (Xray, Penetrates Everything.) Custom (go1.20 linux/amd64)
A unified platform for anti-censorship.
2023/07/26 21:17:22 [Info] infra/conf/serial: Reading config: /usr/local/etc/xray/config.json
Failed to start: main: failed to create server > app/log: failed to initialize access logger > open /usr/local/etc/xray/access.log: permission denied
xray.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=23/n/a
xray.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
"log": {
"loglevel": "warning",
"access": "/usr/local/etc/xray/access.log",
"error": "/usr/local/etc/xray/error.log"
"routing": {
"domainStrategy": "IPIfNonMatch",
"rules": [
"type": "field",
"port": "443",
"network": "udp",
"outboundTag": "block"
"type": "field",
"ip": [
"outboundTag": "block"
"type": "field",
"domain": [
"outboundTag": "block"
"type": "field",
"protocol": [
"outboundTag": "block"
"inbounds": [
"listen": "", // "" 表示同时监听IPv4和IPv6
"port": 443, // 服务端监听的端口
"protocol": "vless",
"settings": {
"clients": [
"id": "password", // 用户ID,执行 xray uuid 生成,或 1-30 字节的字符串
"flow": "xtls-rprx-vision"
"decryption": "none",
"fallbacks": [
"dest": "8001",
"xver": 1
"alpn": "h2",
"dest": "8002",
"xver": 1
"streamSettings": {
"network": "tcp",
"security": "tls",
"tlsSettings": {
"rejectUnknownSni": true,
"minVersion": "1.2",
"certificates": [ // 证书文件需要使用fullchain(全SSL证书链),若只包含网站证书,会出现如v2rayN能通,v2rayNG不通的现象
"ocspStapling": 3600,
"certificateFile": "/etc/ssl/private/fullchain.cer", // 证书文件,通常不区分扩展名
"keyFile": "/etc/ssl/private/private.key" // 私钥文件,通常不区分扩展名
"sniffing": {
"enabled": true,
"destOverride": [
"outbounds": [
"protocol": "freedom",
"tag": "direct"
"protocol": "blackhole",
"tag": "block"
"policy": {
"levels": {
"0": {
"handshake": 2, // 连接建立时的握手时间限制,单位为秒,默认值为 4,建议与默认值不同
"connIdle": 120 // 连接空闲的时间限制,单位为秒,默认值为 300,建议与默认值不同
Failed to start: main: failed to create server > app/log: failed to initialize access logger > open /usr/local/etc/xray/access.log: permission denied
如果你不是安装是加了 -root 参数,xray默认安出来是nobody用户,日志默认用在这目录下面
"log": {
"access": "/var/log/xray/access.log",
"error": "/var/log/xray/error.log",
"loglevel": "warning",
"dnsLog": false