
High Sierra wont work with shared folders vagrant box

kbotnen opened this issue · 1 comments


When creating my new 10.13 Vagrantbox I got some issue with hgfs not loaded and therefor shared folders not available.

The reason:

Kernel Extensions will not load, because kexts are blocked awaiting userconsent.

The fix:

Before you build your image with AutoDMG do the following modification to the vagrant-outset package.

add the following script in: vagrant-outset/pkgroot/usr/local/outset/boot-every/


#Disable kernel extensiopn approving
/usr/sbin/spctl --disable

Remember to chmod a+x on the script.

then build a new version of vagrant-outset: make pkg

Add this to the packagearray in autodmg and proceed with the instructions on the


I don't think that will work to disable UAKEL. You need to do that from Recovery or a non SIP environment. See for a great example on how to do this.