
S3 has the wrong parameters

KalAvroniev opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey guys,
First off great job on porting AWS to node.
I've been using AWS PHP SDK for quite sometime and recently started using your node module, mainly the S3 and SES.

I'm finding some differences between your code and AWS api documentation.
As an example GetObjectMetadata parameters are actually headers, not only Range.
Also the same headers can be used for GetObject but you do not have them there at all.

I haven't had a look at the rest of the services but can you please add a quick fix for S3 at least.
I'll update if I find any other issues with other services as I start using them.


Hi Kal,

Thanks for your report! Dang, I never noticed I'd put them as 'param' rather than header. Also, I've added all of those extra 4 headers to GetObject (it already had Range).

I've pushed this to GitHub so if you want it now can you use a git checkout of the repo and they'll be released in the next version of AwsSum (v0.12). :)

Thanks again,

That was quick!

When is it going to be available via npm?

Not sure yet. Sorry. Will try and let you know when it does get released.