
Adjust the processing order for daily pipeline

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Dallas requested a higher coverage throughout the year (e.g. 1-2 days/week for a longer period
​It would be good to have a larger sample of more recent data post-April 2020, so Seth can verify computational updates to the pipeline, like fast-cadence calibration.

From Dallas:

Following up on the daily pipeline discussion, here's an example of the list of CSDs (1 day per week between the end of rev03 and now):

firstday = 2264

lastday = 2905

startdays = np.arange(firstday,lastday,7)

stopdays = np.arange(firstday+1,lastday,7)

for ii in range((lastday-firstday)//7): # number of weeks

    print("- end: CSD%d" % stopdays[ii])

    print("  start: CSD%d" % startdays[ii])

which outputs

  • end: CSD2265

    start: CSD2264

  • end: CSD2272

    start: CSD2271

  • end: CSD2279

    start: CSD2278

  • end: CSD2286

    start: CSD2285

  • end: CSD2293

    start: CSD2292

  • end: CSD2300

    start: CSD2299

  • end: CSD2307

    start: CSD2306

  • end: CSD2314

    start: CSD2313

  • end: CSD2321

    start: CSD2320