
Drag and drop example doesn't work on Safari

jakeleventhal opened this issue · 2 comments

When dragging in a PSD I get this error in the browser console:

[Error] panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError', /rustc/fd4b177aabb9749dfb562c48e47379cea81dc277/src/libcore/


<?>.wasm-function[166]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[642]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[307]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[442]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[480]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[359]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[172]@[wasm code]
<?>.wasm-function[510]@[wasm code]

	(anonymous function) (drag_drop_browser.js:556)
	__wbg_adapter_18 (drag_drop_browser.js:197:135)
	real (drag_drop_browser.js:187)
[Error] RuntimeError: Unreachable code should not be executed (evaluating 'wasm._dyn_core__ops__function__FnMut__A____Output___R_as_wasm_bindgen__closure__WasmClosure___describe__invoke__h0464633ff841b041(arg0, arg1, addHeapObject(arg2))')
	<?>.wasm-function[307] (drag_drop_browser.js:197:135)
	__wbg_adapter_18 (drag_drop_browser.js:197:135)
	real (drag_drop_browser.js:187)

What happens if you use the psd crate to deserialize the bytes?

As in, what happens when you call this method on your PSD ?

This will help us rule out whether it's an issue with the demo or an issue with the parser.