
Warning about invalid parameter during file load / save dialog under Windows

chipmuenk opened this issue · 0 comments

When trying to save or load coefficients under Windows, the following (or a similar) warning message is printed to the console:

QWindowsNativeFileDialogBase::selectNameFilter: Invalid parameter '*.csv' not found in 'Comma / Tab Separated Values (*.csv), Matlab-Workspace (*.mat), Binary Numpy Array (*.npy), Zipped Binary Numpy Array (*.npz)'.

It is still possible to load / save the coefficients correctly.

Qt version is 5.15.2, pyQt version is 5.15.6. The behaviour is described in QTBUG-77211 "Warning on nameFilters change in QML FileDialog" so it is probably a Qt bug. suggests avoiding the native Windows file dialog.

The warning is issued because the file filter that is passed to the QFileDialog is not a part of the file filter list.

Fixed in develop branch, will be merged in next branch.