
Saving and loading (fixpoint) filters

chipmuenk opened this issue · 2 comments

Several problems exist when saving / loading filters:

  • [ ]: When saving filters, it seems as if coefficients are only saved with an accuracy of 8 digits. This would be due to pyfda_io_lib.save_data_np() and its default option fmt=%f.

  • [ ]: When reading back a fixpoint filter, selecting the b,a tab can crash the software with

      File "d:\daten\design\python\git\pyfda\pyfda\input_widgets\", line 548, in _refresh_table_item
        if self.ba_q[col + 2][row] > 0:
      TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

    This can be avoided by running a fixpoint simulation, but it seems the ba_q[][] array is not loaded / updated / created. Coefficient formats between the fixpoint tab and b,a can also be out of sync.

  • [ ]: The key fb.fil[0]['fxqc']['QCB']['fx_base'] is not present in older filter designs, causing KeyErrors and an empty coefficient table. The import routine is not robust enough, there should be a default fallback.

Version 0.8.3. The program doesn't crash when I click "Save" with fixed point coefficients. But the coefficients are not saved. Nothing happens