
LItedram Generation

lindajames101 opened this issue · 3 comments

Did you generate Litedram with axi signals or you later added axi signals yourself after generating v files? If we generate litedram from enjoy-digital/litedram, there are no axi signals by default.


olofk commented

Hi Linda,

For SweRVolf I have used this configuration file for LiteDRAM

# This file is Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Florent Kermarrec <>
# License: BSD

    # General ------------------------------------------------------------------
    "cpu":        "serv",  # Type of CPU used for init/calib (vexriscv, lm32)
    "speedgrade": -1,          # FPGA speedgrade
    "memtype":    "DDR2",      # DRAM type

    # PHY ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    "cmd_delay":       0,            # Command additional delay (in taps)
    "cmd_latency":     0,            # Command additional latency
    "sdram_module":    "MT47H64M16", # SDRAM modules of the board or SO-DIMM
    "sdram_module_nb": 2,            # Number of byte groups
    "sdram_rank_nb":   1,            # Number of ranks
    "sdram_phy":       "A7DDRPHY",   # Type of FPGA PHY

    # Frequency ----------------------------------------------------------------
    "input_clk_freq":   100e6, # Input clock frequency
    "sys_clk_freq":     100e6, # System clock frequency (DDR_clk = 4 x sys_clk)
    "iodelay_clk_freq": 200e6, # IODELAYs reference clock frequency

    # Core ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    "cmd_buffer_depth": 16,    # Depth of the command buffer

    # User Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------
    "user_ports": {
        "axi_0" : {
            "type": "axi",
            "id_width": 6,

    # CSR Port -----------------------------------------------------------------
    "csr_expose": "False", # Expose CSR bus as I/Os
    "csr_align" : 32,      # CSR alignment

I will try to get this into the repository together with instructions for how to regenerate the LiteDRAM core

Thanks A lot