
Apify act compatible with Apify crawler - same input ⟹ same output.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Act Crawler

Apify act compatible with Apify crawler - same input ⟹ same output.

WARNING: This is an early version and may contain some bugs and may not be fully compatible with crawler product.

WARNING 2: It's also unstable and every version may contain breaking changes.


There are two ways how to use this act:

  • pass crawler configuration as input of this act. Int his case the input looks like:

      "startUrls": [{ "key": "", "value": "https://news.ycombinator.com" }],
      "maxParallelRequests": 10,
      "pageFunction": "function() { return context.jQuery('title').text(); }",
      "injectJQuery": true,
      "clickableElementsSelector": "a"
  • pass ID of own crawler and act fetches the configuration from that crawler. You can override any attribute you want in the act input:

      "crawlerId": "snoftq230dkcxm7w0",
      "clickableElementsSelector": "a"

This acts persists it's state in key-value store during the run and finally stores the results in files RESULTS-1.json, RESULTS-2.json, RESULTS-3.json, … .

Input attributes

Crawler compatible attributes

Act supports following crawler configuration attributes (for documentation see https://www.apify.com/docs/crawler#home):

Attribute Type Default Required Description
startUrls [{key: String, value: String}] [] yes
pseudoUrls [{key: String, value: String}]
clickableElementsSelector String Currently supports only links (a elements)
pageFunction Function yes
interceptRequest Function
injectJQuery Boolean
injectUnderscore Boolean
maxPageRetryCount Number 3
maxParallelRequests Number 1
maxCrawledPagesPerSlave Number 50
pageLoadTimeout Number 30s
customData Any
maxCrawledPages Number
maxOutputPages Number
considerUrlFragment Boolean false
maxCrawlDepth Number
maxInfiniteScrollHeight Number
cookies [Object] Currently used for all requests
pageFunctionTimeout Number 60000
disableWebSecurity Boolean false

Additional attributes

Attribute Type Default Required Description
maxPagesPerFile Number 1000 yes Number of outputed pages saved into 1 results file.
browserInstanceCount Number 10 yes Number of browser instances to be used in the pool.
crawlerId String ID of a crawler to fetch configuration from.
urlList String Url of the file containing urls to be enqueued as startUrls. This file must either contain one url per line or urlListRegExp configuration attribute must be provided.
urlListRegExp String RegExp to match array of urls from urlList file ^.

This RegExp is used this way against the file and must return array of url strings: contentOfFile.match(new RegExp(urlListRegExp, 'g'));

For example `(http
userAgent String User agent to be used in browser
customProxies [String] Array of proxies to be used for browsing.
dumpio Boolean true If true then Chrome console log will be piped into act run log.
saveSimplifiedResults Boolean false If true then also simplified version of results will be outputted.
fullStackTrace Boolean false If true then request.errorInfo and act log will contain full stack trace of each error.

Local usage

To run act locally you must have NodeJS installed:

  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/Apifier/act-crawler.git
  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Configure input in /kv-store-dev/INPUT
  • Run it: npm run local