
React Redux CRUD App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lighthouse Performance Score ( Production Build )

Loghthouse Performance Score

To start

yarn or npm install yarn start or npm start

Once you run the above commands, a mock JSON server will be spawned at http://localhost:3001 and the application will run at http://localhost:3000. Both these processes will run concurrently.

If for some reason yarn/json-server command fails ( It happened with me on Git bash on Windows, but worked fine in Ubuntu default terminal ) install json-server globally using npm install -g json-server and then run json-server --watch src/services/db.json --port 3001 inside the app directory. Once json-server is running successfully, refresh the application page i.e. http://localhost:3000 . The merchants list should be visible and add/update/delete actions will work fine.


  • As of now, there is no provision to submit bids and therefore all new merchants which will be added through the form will not have any bids listed under their name.

Things which are not implemented

  • Custom form validation is not implemented, and only HTML5 form validation is been used.
  • propTypes validation
  • Loading indicator / spinner functionality is not added in this app as of now.
  • Unit test cases ( Basic app load test is added with the help of Enzyme and Chai libraries )

Additional Packages / Libraries used

  • axios ( for making API calls )
  • bootstrap ( modal and other styling )
  • concurrently ( To spawn json-server and main app concurrently )
  • json-server ( mock api server )
  • redux-form ( add / update merchant forms )
  • react-redux-toastr ( success / error notifications )
  • redux-thunk ( async actions dispatch )
  • react-redux ( helper library )