
Pointing IP addres and port of gateway (1700)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello Brocaar,

I have a kerlink LoRa gateway and I'm some week fighting against these issues.

  1. The IP address to point is my real machine IP or the virtual machine (IP "")?
  2. On "host_vars/vagrant.yml" file, I need to replace where "" according IP above?
  3. On gateway I have an file at "mnt/fsuser-1/" called "loraboard_conf.json". I modified this file, point to IP address and ports, following bellow:

"gateway_conf": {
"gateway_ID": "0000024b080801db",
"server_address": "",
"serv_port_up": 1700,
"serv_port_down": 1700

When I reboot the gateway to update files they disappear. May be In a volatile space on memory?
Is that the correct way ? I need to reboot my gateway? There is an Brocaar "packet_foward" to update to the server?

Sorry for the so many questions, but I'm stuck in these stuff so may time. :/

Hope you can help me

Best Regards

  1. You need to point your gateway to the IP of your machine (thus the host system, not the VM). Vagrant will configure the port-forwarding for you (host <> guest).

  2. No need to change that, means whitelist all IPs

  3. Try using a local_conf.json. I remember from the Kerlink that the loraboard_conf.json is overwritten ever boot.

Hi Brocaar!
Thanks for the hints!

Thehe was a problem also when I'm tryng to see what is happen on lora gatewaay bridge.

When I type the command to get status our to get lora bridge log output, it cant read after "connected to mqtt broker" like picture bellow:

captura de tela de 2017-05-12 15-20-35

I've had all steps and i know there something getting out of port 1700 of the gateway like picture and command bellow:

captura de tela de 2017-05-12 15-48-44

So the problem I am having is to communicate the pc with gateway. and show on gateway bridge log output. It stops in that line "connected to mqtt broker"

Best Regards