
Google Prompts crash

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm using Android 14 oriole, Magisk 27.0, and Play Integrity 15.8. I've found that Play Integrity Fix allows my phone to clear the Basic and Device checks, and Wallet is working. However, I've noticed an odd side effect of the module: when it's enabled, Google Prompts that are sent to the device for 2FA immediately crash before the actual buttons/UI for it can display. Tapping the notification for the prompt also results in that crash. Additionally, selecting the "Google" option in Android's Settings menu is completely inoperative, and third-party apps that use Google auth for login fail. I can work around all of these issues by rebooting with Play Integrity Fix turned off, but then of course I have to reenable it and reboot again when I want Wallet to work. I didn't know if this is a known limitation of the module, or if it's unexpected behavior.

Update: I finally thought to try turning off another Magisk module I had installed, a Lato custom font module (v2.4) from khirendra03:

It turns out the issue occurs when both Play Integrity Fix and the custom font module are enabled, but not when just one of the two modules is enabled. So whether this issue can be blamed on Play Integrity Fix depends on what caused the incompatibility between the two modules. I'll let you decide whether the issue should be closed.

Update again: I wrote too soon. With Play Integrity Fix enabled and the custom font module disabled, I can access the Google account settings from Android's Settings app, and third-party apps can use Google login, but now 2FA prompts aren't showing at all. So the one thing that seems to be caused by Play Integrity Fix without the other module running is non-functional 2FA prompts.

Custom fonts aren't compatible with Zygisk so it won't work with PIF :(

I will try to fix the 2FA issue.