
Unable to pass Device Integrity

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm unable to pass device integrity on Redmi 5 (rosy) ; Android 8.1.0. Can someone help fix this?

PlayIntegrityFix version installed: v15.9.7 | Magisk 27.0
Google play services and Google Play Store added to Denylist and Shamiko installed

Below are results from Simple Play Integrity Checker:

  "accountDetails": {
    "appLicensingVerdict": "LICENSED"
  "appIntegrity": {
    "appRecognitionVerdict": "PLAY_RECOGNIZED",
    "certificateSha256Digest": [
    "packageName": "com.henrikherzig.playintegritychecker",
    "versionCode": "7"
  "deviceIntegrity": {
    "deviceRecognitionVerdict": [
  "requestDetails": {
    "nonce": "VFFRcEdSVjRRMnptODBZTWxjZzcxTmluQ0pUcnA4Q0N4dTlNV2FWeWpKUjJidzFrM0Y\u003d",
    "requestPackageName": "com.henrikherzig.playintegritychecker",
    "timestampMillis": 1715170385421

This was working previously with same configuration but device integrity fails now in Google Play verification

Don't add GMS to denylist or module won't work...

Also, can you provide module logs ?

Thanks @chiteroman .
Still unable to pass device integrity after removing GMS from Denylist and reboot.

How can I get module logs to share here?
I've attached the module installation log from magisk

SPIC log:

  "accountDetails": {
    "appLicensingVerdict": "LICENSED"
  "appIntegrity": {
    "appRecognitionVerdict": "PLAY_RECOGNIZED",
    "certificateSha256Digest": [
    "packageName": "com.henrikherzig.playintegritychecker",
    "versionCode": "7"
  "deviceIntegrity": {
    "deviceRecognitionVerdict": [
  "requestDetails": {
    "nonce": "VG1VTGRPSzkxckNGdTdCSDJUTzgxaEtSczZrVXJyZFN0YkJ6bGxhWE1qdldHNmlORVo\u003d",
    "requestPackageName": "com.henrikherzig.playintegritychecker",
    "timestampMillis": 1715331533719

Logs from adb logcat:

$ adb logcat | grep PIF
05-10 14:40:08.041 11835 11926 D PIF     : Service: 'KeyStore' | Algorithm: 'AndroidKeyStore'
05-10 14:40:08.049 11835 11926 D PIF     : Service: 'KeyPairGenerator' | Algorithm: 'EC'
05-10 14:40:08.145 11835 11926 D PIF     : DroidGuard and attestation extension detected! Throwing exception...
05-10 14:40:08.183 11835 11926 D PIF     : [ro.product.first_api_level]: 21
05-10 14:40:08.183 11835 11926 D PIF     : [ro.boot.verifiedbootstate]: green
05-10 14:40:08.195 11835 11926 D PIF     : []: 2016-07-01
05-10 14:40:08.196 11835 11926 D PIF     : []: 1
05-10 14:40:08.196 11835 11926 D PIF     : [ro.debuggable]: 0
05-10 14:40:08.197 11835 11926 D PIF     : [sys.usb.state]: none
05-10 14:40:08.485 11835 11926 D PIF     : [ro.boot.flash.locked]: 1
05-10 14:40:08.733 11835 11926 D PIF     : [ro.zygote]: zygote64_32
05-10 14:40:09.224 11835 11926 D PIF     : Service: 'KeyStore' | Algorithm: 'AndroidKeyStore'
05-10 14:40:09.243 11835 11926 D PIF     : Service: 'Signature' | Algorithm: 'SHA256withECDSA'

Try latest release