Quotes inside strings
fabiodr opened this issue · 3 comments
Is there a way to escape single and double quotes inside strings?
The parser is throwing an error for strings with ' and "
I saw there is a treatment in the parser for especial chars but i don't read F# very well for digging into the issue.
According to the GraphQL spec, only double quotes are used for strings, so only double quotes need to be escaped:
However, there was a bug in the parser that wasn't handling those correctly. I've just fixed that and pushed to master.
Are you using the source directly, or referencing the NuGet project?
Either way, I just pushed an updated version (0.3.0) to NuGet with this fix. There are a few other changes along with it that might be breaking, but I tried to limit the API impact. Feel free to open another issue if you have issues upgrading.
I'm using from NuGet, i'll try this fix and look in github history for breaking changes then, thanks!!