
FileLoadException FParsec-Pipes

muratoner opened this issue · 5 comments


İşlenmeyen Özel Durum: System.TypeInitializationException: '<StartupCode$GraphQL-Parser>.$GraphQL.Parser.Parser' tür başlatıcısı özel durum döndürdü. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: 'FParsec-Pipes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' dosyasını veya derlemesini ya da bağımlılıklarından birini yükleyemedi. Tanımlayıcı adlı derleme gerekli. (HRESULT özel durum döndürdü: 0x80131044) konum: <StartupCode$GraphQL-Parser>.$GraphQL.Parser.Parser..cctor() --- İç özel durum yığını izlemesinin sonu --- konum: GraphQL.Parser.Parser.get_document() konum: GraphQL.Parser.Parser.parseDocument(String source) konum: GraphQL.Parser.GraphQLDocument1.Parse(ISchema1 schema, String source) konum: GraphQL.Net.GraphQL1.ExecuteQuery(String queryStr, TContext queryContext)
konum: GraphQL.Net.GraphQL1.ExecuteQuery(String queryStr) konum: GraphQL.Net.Program.Main(String[] args) C:\Users\muhac\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\GraphQL.Net\GraphQL.Net\Program.cs içinde: satır 36

Plaese help for this exception.

Apologies for the delay. Please try upgrading to version 0.3.3 through NuGet to see if it solves this issue.

The nuget definition references 0.1.1 version of FParsec-Pipes library, but the package references 0.3.1. The temporal workaround is to update manually FParsec-Pïpes library to the most recent version (0.3.1).

@kellermanrivero Oh of course, I forgot to update that when I upgraded FParsec-Pipes. Good catch!

I released version 0.3.4 which should reference the correct version of FParsec-Pipes in the nuget package.

@muratoner Can we close this issue?

Yes please @MarianPalkus