Can't find simulated_data
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@smglsn12 @chloechsu I tried to build yours project, but I can't find simulated data in the link, that you gave in repo
Thank you so much for responding to me! I am a student, and there are many things I don't understand yet. Now I have this question:
- Could you please explain more about how to get simulated data. I am missing the files you refer to, namely “Cu_reproducible_alignment_df_extracted_110222.joblib”. I am also missing the cache folder (as I understand it should be generated by
Thanks again for your help, I will definitely give you a special thanks in my work and will recommend your project
Thank you so much for your reply, I will be very grateful to you if you do help with the problem.
thank you very much, I was able to get your project up and running. I was interested in this topic and found your project on the Internet, I wanted to study its work better and in general to see what will be the result of code execution, as I myself will have to write something similar in the future. Thank you very much again for your help in launching the application, I really appreciate it.