
Character limit

maxiride opened this issue · 4 comments

I tried to make a note with a folder tree generated with tree -H baseHREF on linux however when trying to post it (8162 words - but TONS of them are just html code) i get the error Error: request entity too large.

I can understand that a limit is needed to avoid strain, but an improvement could be to show the remaining characters available.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the preview is generated instantly instead.

Meanwhile @chmllr may I ask which is the char limit? So I can write it down instead of going by trial and error to find it out ^^

Thanks for reporting! NoteHub uses SQLite for persistence and doesn't apply any restrictions on the note length explicitly. So I assume your content is longer, than SQLite's maximum size of the TEXT type.

Also, I'd say you misuse NoteHub with this use case. Dropbox's Public folder would be more appropriate.

Yeah indeed I should use something else for my needs :\

By the way I played around with your tool but I didn't managed to make a suggested code to hide\show blocks to work.

    $('.markdown-block .sqs-block-content h2').css('cursor','pointer');
    $(".markdown-block .sqs-block-content h2").nextUntil("h2").slideToggle();
    $(".markdown-block .sqs-block-content h2").click(function() {$(this).nextUntil("h2").slideToggle();});

Guess that the issue lies somewhere in relation to ".sqs" since that code was meant for the squarespace site. How should I make the call for markdown blocks in notehub?

The aim is to also show\hide lists.

You are trying to create dynamic pages with JS functionality. This is not what NoteHub is designed for: all JavaScript code will be removed to keep visitors safe. Notehub is for static Markdown/HTML pages only.