
Locales not working

darkylmnx opened this issue · 4 comments

Version used: 1.7.2

I didn't see the french locale in the project so I added theme like this:

Vue.use(wysiwyg, {
  locale: {
    locale_name: 'Français',
    locale_shorthand: ['fr', 'français'],
    // Translations:
    justifyCenter: 'Centrer',
    justifyLeft: 'Aligner à gauche',
    justifyRight: 'Aligner à droite',
    bold: 'Gras',
    code: 'Code',
    headings: 'Titres (h1-h6)',
    link: 'Lien hypertexte',
    image: 'Image',
    italic: 'Italique',
    orderedList: 'Liste numérotée (1, 2, 3, ...)',
    unorderedList: 'Liste à puces',
    removeFormat: 'Supprimer la mise en forme.',
    separator: null,
    table: 'Insérer un tableau',
    underline: 'Souligner',

This does not work though.
Actually, no locales work, I tried spanish and dutch too, nothing works.

Vue.use(wysiwyg, {
  hideModules: {
    image: true,
  locale: 'es',

Also, I didn't see any local key for "rows", "columns" and "insert" for tables either.

the npm version is not very up to date and and should not contain them, so i compiled it myself to use them

I need the french translation too

@Yelteen How did you compiled it exactly? Can you show us the code?

I did fix Germany and Italian at #140

The only problem is forgot to register the locale into index.js, please be aware for this file.