
Notchmeister Causes Delay Swiping Between Desktops

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When Notchmeister is running and after some period of time (could be hours), swipe gestures to move between desktops and to show all desktops are delayed by as much as 30 seconds. Then they occur. Also, the festive setting movement of the lights leaves behind each light a smear of the light’s color and the lights don’t blink or do the usual. During the issue, WindowServer consumes 1GB+ and uses 100%+ CPU.

Notchmeister “Festive” setting.

Reproducible. Killing the Notchmeister process immediately fixes the issue.

Fresh wipe of SSD and re-install of macOS 12.2.1

Fresh manual creation of the user (not transferred via Migration Assistant or otherwise)

MacBook Pro (16-inch 2021
Sample of Notchmeister.txt