
Some effects not showing / staying correctly

Closed this issue · 4 comments

ffried commented

The "Nano Radar" Some effects no longer stays on screen correctly. I already noticed this in the last beta, but forgot to report it.

Interestingly, this doesn't happen if the Notchmeister settings window is active.

Having found out this, I tested the other effects again, and the following effects seem to have a very similar issue:

  • Glow
  • Plasma Leak (the sparks stop when the mouse no longer moves vs. continue where the settings window is active)
  • Expando

Wow. This is a good find!

It turns out that some of recent changes with adding multiple windows made macOS buggy when getting the mouse location from a moved event (it was returning a value in screen coordinates, not window coordinates). I think I have a workaround and it will be in the next release.

It could also explain some other weird behavior folks were seeing.

I just uploaded build 38 to TestFlight, please let me know if it fixes the problem for you and I'll close the issue.

ffried commented

Thanks a lot! I'll try it tomorrow and will let you know. Or actually, I'll just close the issue if it's resolved.

ffried commented

Just tried the new build and the effects work perfectly fine again now! Thanks!