
AutoHotkey v2

Closed this issue · 5 comments


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New Software Version


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Package Page

AutoHotkey 1.x is considered deprecated now.


According to this page, it appears that AutoHotkey is backwards compatible:

Note that the installation folder for AutoHotkey 1 is generally
C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey

but AutoHotkey 2 is
C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\v2

In testing, v1 was not removed when I installed v2.

Looks like they can be ran side-by-side:

As this is a major version release, I'm not quite sure how it should be handled with Chocolatey. You can liken their methodology similar to how Microsoft Office comes out with a newer version. It's not just an update, but a whole new version.

With this new version, there is now a launcher/dash area where you can modify settings. I mention this because scripts that are launched will, by default, open this version selection screen...


In the dash, the default options are...


Saying that to say, if someone has a script that is set to launch purely by running the ahk file, it may not launch because it's going to present them with this version selection window. Might consider this if wanting to update.

Perhaps there should be a new package, like autohotkey2, since there are so many changes?

For anyone reading this who is curious about the UI Access option, see this:

I also noticed this package, but it's confusing because although it's version 2 in portable, it is not in the installer:

As another thought, in the configuration if you set this to "Use v1.x" then all scripts will continue to work so long as v1 is installed.


That setting corresponds to this:


In theory you could have a registry entry in the Choco installation script that enabled this. That way it would not break existing scripts, and in theory not break v2 scripts either, because they should be detected.

Is this still relevant? If so, what is blocking it? Is there anything you can do to help move it forward?
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This is a duplicate of #1710.