
AppVeyor Build: persist build artifacts

mwallner opened this issue · 3 comments

currently no build artifacts are persisted. (see example build)


if we would literally keep the 'buildartifacts' folder in the workspace root, one could fetch the generated nupkgs and use them for further testing/validation.

CC @JPRuskin 😄

Am I right in thinking that you just want to retain the content of C:\projects\boxstarter\BuildArtifacts\? Or just the Boxstarter zip that's generated? Looking at the other uses of that path, I think we only want the zip -

  - path: 'C:\projects\boxstarter\BuildArtifacts\Boxstarter.*.zip'

That should do the trick - I'll happily PR it and try it out?

nay, the zip you're referring to only contains the bootstrapper.
what would be required are all the nupkgs (and additionaly the bootstrapper, although it can only be validated manually, not tested)

I'm not sure if the syntax is correct, but something light this might work:

  - path: 'C:\projects\boxstarter\BuildArtifacts\Boxstarter.*.nupkg'
  - path: 'C:\projects\boxstarter\BuildArtifacts\Boxstarter.*.zip'

please implement this whenever you find the time to do so 😃