
Searching for specific version on v3 only feed returns no results

AdmiringWorm opened this issue · 0 comments


  • I have verified this is the correct repository for opening this issue.
  • I have verified no other issues exist related to my problem.
  • I have verified this is not an issue for a specific package.
  • I have verified this issue is not security related.
  • I confirm I am using official, and not unofficial, or modified, Chocolatey products.

What You Are Seeing?

When a v3 only feed is being used (one that does not contain a reference to LegacyGallery) and you attempt to search for packages while using the --version parameter and the version is not the latest, the outputted results do not contain the packages that should be found.

What is Expected?

Chocolatey CLI should output the relevant packages from the search that is returned from the server. Even if it has to do another request to check for the versions.

How Did You Get This To Happen?

As most providers uses a combination of a v2 and v3 feed (by specifying a LegacyGaller endpoint), first a handcrafted index.json file is needed.

  1. Copy the contents of the index.json file from one of your sources.
  2. Remove the entry in the file mentioning LegacyGallery.
  3. Upload the file to a remote location, and update your sources.
  4. Run choco search <PACKAGE_NAME> --version <PACKAGE_VERSION> (replace values with known values of a package and older version)
  5. Run the same command against your original feed that have a entry for LegacyGallery
  6. Compare the results and notice the v3-only version has no entries.

System Details

  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Windows PowerShell version: Core 7.4.1 and Desktop 5.1.19041.3996
  • Chocolatey CLI Version: 2.2.2
  • Chocolatey Licensed Extension version: 6.1.2
  • Chocolatey License type: Business
  • Terminal/Emulator: Tabby

Installed Packages

7zip.install 23.1.0
autohotkey.portable 2.0.11
azcopy10 10.23.0
Boxstarter 3.0.3
Boxstarter.Bootstrapper 3.0.3
Boxstarter.Chocolatey 3.0.3
Boxstarter.Common 3.0.3    
Boxstarter.HyperV 3.0.3    
Boxstarter.WinConfig 3.0.3 
bruno 1.7.0
cakerecipe-vscode 0.5.0    
choco-av-security 0.3.0
choco-falcon-security 6.49.16303
chocolatey 2.2.2
chocolatey.extension 6.1.2
chocolatey-community-validation.extension 0.1.0
chocolatey-compatibility.extension 1.0.0       
chocolatey-core.extension 1.4.0
chocolatey-dotnetfx.extension 1.0.1
chocolatey-font-helpers.extension 0.0.4
chocolatey-license-kim 0.1.0
chocolatey-visualstudio.extension 1.11.1
chocolatey-vm-setup 2.0.0
chocolatey-vscode 0.7.2
chocolatey-vscode.extension 1.1.0
chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension 1.0.5
choco-rapid7-insight-agent 2023.7.23
chromium 121.0.6167.140
ci-cd-assets-vscode 0.5.0
cleanup-desktop-shortcuts.hook 0.1.0-alpha-20221103
DevImage 1.0.0
DotNet3.5 3.5.20160716
DotNet4.0 4.0.30319.20141222
DotNet4.6.1 4.6.1055.20170308
dotnet4.7 4.7.2053.20190226
dotnet-5.0-sdk 5.0.408
dotnet-5.0-sdk-4xx 5.0.408
dotnet-6.0-aspnetruntime 6.0.26
dotnet-6.0-desktopruntime 6.0.26
dotnet-6.0-runtime 6.0.26
dotnet-6.0-sdk 6.0.418
dotnet-6.0-sdk-4xx 6.0.418
dotnet-7.0-sdk 7.0.405
dotnet-7.0-sdk-4xx 7.0.405
dotnet-8.0-sdk 8.0.101
dotnet-8.0-sdk-1xx 8.0.101
dotnetcore-3.1-sdk 3.1.426
dotnetcore-3.1-sdk-4xx 3.1.426
dotnet-sdk 8.0.101
dotPeek 2023.3.3
fiddler 5.0.20211.51073
Firefox 122.0.0
gh 2.43.1
git 2.43.0
git.install 2.43.0
gitextensions 4.2.1
gitreleasemanager.portable 0.16.0
GitVersion.Portable 5.12.0
glab 1.36.0
glab.portable 1.36.0
gpg4win 4.3.0
gsudo 2.4.2
ILMerge 2.12.803
ilspy 8.2.0
KB2919355 1.0.20160915
KB2919442 1.0.20160915
KB2999226 1.0.20181019
KB3033929 1.0.5
KB3035131 1.0.3
KB3063858 1.0.0
KB3118401 1.0.5
keybase 6.2.5
languagetool 6.2.0
lessmsi 1.10.0
linqpad 7.8.10
linqpad7 7.8.10
linqpad7.install 7.8.10
meld 3.22.0
nerd-fonts-FiraCode 3.1.1
netfx-4.7.2 4.7.2
nodejs-lts 20.11.0
notepadplusplus.install 8.6.2
nuget.commandline 6.8.0
NugetPackageExplorer 6.0.64
oh-my-posh 19.8.2
onedarkpro-vscode 3.16.2
Opera 106.0.4998.70 5.0.12
papercut 6.0.0
Pester 5.5.0
PowerShell 5.1.14409.20180811
powershell-core 7.4.1
pwsh 7.4.1
resharper-platform 233.0.20240116.110155
sql-server-express 2022.16.0.1000
sql-server-management-studio 19.3.4
tabby 1.0.205
tmp1B05.tmp 1.0.0
tmp8AB3.tmp 1.0.0
tmp8CE1.tmp 1.0.0
tmpCA53.tmp 1.0.0
tmpF1EB.tmp 1.0.0
transifex-cli 1.6.10
trid 2.24.20240129
ussf 1.5.0
vcredist140 14.38.33135
vcredist2005 8.0.50727.619501
vcredist2008 9.0.30729.616104
vcredist2010 10.0.40219.32503
vcredist2012 11.0.61031.20230518
vcredist2013 12.0.40660.20180427
vcredist2015 14.0.24215.20170201
vcredist2017 14.16.27033
vcredist-all 1.0.1
visualstudio2022professional 117.8.3
visualstudio2022-workload-manageddesktop 1.0.1
visualstudio2022-workload-netweb 1.0.0
visualstudio2022-workload-visualstudioextension 1.0.0
visualstudio-installer 2.0.3
vivaldi.install 6.5.3206.59
vs2022-codemaid 12.0.300
vscode 1.84.2
vscode.install 1.84.2
vscode-chrome-debug 4.13.0
vscode-csharp 1.26.0
vscode-firefox-debug 2.9.10
vscode-gitignore 0.9.0
vscode-intellicode 1.2.30
vscode-markdown-all-in-one 3.4.0
vscode-mssql 1.22.1
vscode-powershell 2024.0.0
vscode-prettier 10.1.0
vscode-pull-request-github 0.61.2023030915
vscode-vsliveshare 1.0.5905
webview2-runtime 121.0.2277.98
winmerge 2.16.38
wixtoolset 3.11.2
wormies-au-helpers 0.4.1
yarn 1.22.19
151 packages installed.

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