Subclassing CCHMapClusterAnnotation
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Hi, in my original cluster-free setup, I created a subclass of MKPointAnnotation, so I could add a reference to an object that contained additional information. (This is because my custom callout requires more info than title and subtitle). After adding CCHMapClusterController I changed my code to create a subclass of CCHMapClusterAnnotation to which I then added my additionally required properties. I can add these BZAnnotation : CCHMapClusterAnnotation instances to the mapClusterController - however, in mapView:viewForAnnotation: they always come back as CCHMapClusterAnnotation and the additional info is lost (even when the CCHMapClusterAnnotation is not a cluster) . How can I make a CCHMapClusterAnnotation keep a reference to my custom object? Thanks.
No need to subclass CCHMapClusterAnnotation
– simply keep your custom annotation a subclass of MKPointAnnotation
and add it to CCHMapClusterController
. CCHMapClusterAnnotation
s are the container for clustered annotations. Your custom annotation will be inside the array stored in the annotations
This works great - vielen Dank!
@briomusic : Can you give a sample code? I also have the same problem. THanks
Code example:
//This method is inside `MyCustomClusterAnnotationView` class
//and will return a custom pin callout only if contains a unique annotation
private func setupCallout() -> UIView? {
guard let calloutView = CustomCalloutView.instanciateFromNib() else {
return nil
guard let clusterAnnotation = self.annotation as? CCHMapClusterAnnotation else {
return nil
if !clusterAnnotation.isUniqueLocation() {
return nil
//Like @choefele said, your custom annotation will be inside `annotations` property.
guard let customAnnotation = clusterAnnotation.annotations.first! as? MyCustomAnnotation else {
return nil
calloutView.lblTitle.text = customAnnotation.street
calloutView.lblSubtitle.text =
return calloutView
Hi, I tried subclassing CCHMapClusterAnnotation cause I need to add an image property. So every cluster has a custom image. However, even if
let annotation = DiscoverMapAnnotation(title: "10% Weekend spree", locationName: "Nu Sentral", discipline: "Shopping Mall", coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 3.133369, longitude: 101.686874))
self.mapClusterController.addAnnotations([annotation], withCompletionHandler: nil)
let annotation = DiscoverMapAnnotation(title: "10% Weekend spree", locationName: "Nu Sentral", discipline: "Shopping Mall", coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 3.133369, longitude: 101.686874)) self.mapClusterController.addAnnotations([annotation], withCompletionHandler: nil)
my if let annotation = annotation as? DiscoverMapAnnotation
still fails and will only react to if let annotation = annotation as? CCHMapClusterAnnotation {
Am I doing this wrongly?
Cause in my case every annotation should have a different image (passed from server)