
Bid Floor has Currency but not Units

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Original author: (July 22, 2011 21:07:34)

In the bid request object, the bidfloor value can be qualified by bidfloorcurrency. First, to be consistent with the bid object which expresses bid currency as “cur”, this long name could be shortened to bidfloorcur. As an aside, I think the term floor in the context of RTB would be no less clear as bidfloor. Thus, these could be called floor and floorcur.

But my real question with bidfloor is that unlike the bid price, bidfloor it cannot be qualified by units; it seems to be CPM only. For consistency, we should add bidfloorunits (or floorunits if we use the short names), which would follow the values of Price Units (Section 6.5), which defaults to CPM.

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