
mySQL CopySpec tests fail on other mySQL installations

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I have run the CopySpec test on both Travis-CI and my own Ubuntu mysql installation in a Virtualbox vm. The test fails in both places but passes on our internal QA mySQL test server. Using the debugger, I have isolated the failure to the line that creates TTP_FOUR near the end of the test. The copy command creates the proper table structure, but fails to do the necessary inserts. Tracing through the debugger, as best I can tell, the result set containing the payload for the table gets closed at some point in the middle by the backend in an attempt to not violate having multiple result sets open. This causes the original query to never get re-executed when it's time for loading the data. What I'm not clear about, is why this only happens with this particular line when other previous ones seemingly work fine

This is fixed as of commit dc47aaf